Edit the OEMCP value on the right and change it from the default (861?) to 1252. Now open a new command-prompt and type chcp to see the current codepage. (It may—probably?—will not take until you reboot.) Another way you can do it is to add the chcp command to the Autorun key (you can set it for either a specific user or the whole system):


chcp 1252 > nul window as the batch file is run; chcp 1252 > nul initialises the code page of the command prompt (1252 is the standard Windows code page).

If used without parameters, chcp displays the number of the active console code page. Syntax chcp [] Parameters 2015-06-25 · For whatever reason Microsoft decided to use the PC850 character set for the command prompt (cmd) instead of the MSWIN1252 character set. That means, if you install Oracle on Windows and use MSWIN1252 as NLS character set, the “cmd” will destroy charcters when writing or reading from the database. That means one must be very careful when using Fügen Sie in der Batch-Datei vor dem Kopierbefehl eine Zeile mit dem Befehl chcp 1252 ein (chcp = change code page).

Chcp 1252

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chcp 1252. And now it displays good characters :) Reply Spice  16 Dec 2014 Set the code page by entering cmd.exe /c chcp 1252. (1252 is a code page that is appropriate for German; replace it with your value.) If you are  Try changing the code page to 1252 by including chcp 1252 in the batch file. Logged. bruce4511. anonymized by me! Batch: @echo off setlocal chcp 1252 set WINSCP=P:\ WinSCP\winscp.com set _BACKUPDIR=V:\BACKUP %WinSCP%  7 Oct 2010 And what code page have you set up for the windows dos?

Try "chcp.com 1252". Git bash doesn't suppose ".com" as a implicit executable postfix. It can't expand "chcp" to correct executable, so you should type fully "chcp.com".

When I enter "cmd.exe /c chcp 1252  CHCP.com. Change the active Syntax CHCP code_page Key code_page A code page number (e.g. 437).

Chcp 1252

C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.10\bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.10\bin>g.proj -c proj4='+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 

Chcp 1252

Set the console font to Lucida Console, because the raster font does not work with the ANSI code page. 3.

It is sometimes referred to as the "OEM font" or "high ASCII", or as "extended ASCII".
Jamfor hundforsakringar

So to remove that warning you need to execute chcp 1252 before you enter psql. Chcp 1252 batch file Any file name containing a special character, like a German umlaut, will not show up correctly in your Windows application and likely cause it to fail.

(1252 is a code page that is appropriate for German; replace it with your value.) If you are using Cygwin, you can put this command in /etc/profile.
Skatteverket kontering

Script för ändring av vssadmin.exe samt skapandet av en återställningspunkt @ECHO OFF chcp 1252 net session >nul 2>&1 

To change the codepage to 1252 (ANSI - Latin I), type: CHCP 1252. For more information on the CHCP command, type: CHCP /? Windows-1252 or CP-1252 (code page 1252) is a single-byte character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows for English and many European languages including Spanish, French, and German. Try "chcp.com 1252". Git bash doesn't suppose ".com" as a implicit executable postfix. It can't expand "chcp" to correct executable, so you should type fully "chcp.com".

C:\Users\patca\OneDrive\Documents>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:\Users\patca\OneDrive\Documents>g.proj -c proj4='+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=WGS84 +units=m 

Type chcp 1252 to switch code page. C:\demo>chcp 1252 Active code page:  6 Jan 2014 I've changed the supplied DOS batch script "cwrsync.cmd" and added the command. chcp 1252.

Example: chcp 1252. You should type it in a Powershell window. To avoid the hassle of typing it everytime (if you always have to change the codepage), you may append it to the program's command line. To do so, follow these steps: However, you can easily include a chcp at the start of the batch: chcp 1252>NUL ren -hélice hélice To make this more robust when used directly from the commandline, you may want to memorize the old code page and restore it afterwards: @echo off for /f "tokens=2 delims=:." %%x in ('chcp') do set cp=%%x chcp 1252>nul ren -hélice hélice chcp %cp%>nul 2014-01-20 2015-06-25 Changes the active console code page. If used without parameters, chcp displays the number of the active console code page.